Boys like girls and girls like boys would be Harry Greene (Cormac Hyde -Corrin) ideal scenario of all romances. One does have to give the character credit as the show’s dynamic would be lost if you didn’t have your resident jock, and Harry certainly does not stop at any means to make life difficult for innocent and out Charlie Spring (Isle Of Man resident Joe Locke). He’s likely one of the main culprits for making Elle Argent (Yasmin Finney) life so miserable when she was at Truham High, you can only imagine how scared she must have felt. It’s surprising Harry has friends at all, that said he has stacks of cash and wealth buys friends so one may wish to question who is the real victim of the show Charlie or an individual that simply only has friends out of fear and spending habits.
Now any show needs more than one bully and we have Ben Hope (Sebastian Croft) who in my eyes is even more twisted than Harry, he’s emotionally twisted and plays on the heartstrings of Charlie, especially for the earlier part of season 1, where not entirely sure where on the spectrum he lies, however, we know he must have some romantic interest in Charlie. It will be very interesting to see how his relationship with Harry may change if anything was announced about his time spent with Charlie.
Sometimes we must feel bad for the bullies as they do have social pressures of being popular and that must lead to some very unrealistic expectations set by peers and even family. We know Harry’s family are wealthy and although little is known about Ben’s, maybe we will have a scope of that as the story progresses. We are hoping for a dislikable parent as so far Nick mother Sarah (Olivia Colman), Charlie parents Jane (Georgina Rich) and Julio (Joseph Balderrama) and Tao’s mother Yan Xu (Momo Yeung) have come across as caring and supportive.
Now enough about the bullies, also in the popular crowd we have soft captain of the rugby team Nick Nelson (Kit Connor) who later plays the love interest of Charlie after discovering that he’s not straight and Imogen Heaney (Rhea Norwood) who may have beauty, brains and talent but she certainty is more than her looks with grace and dignity, originally she may come across a little naive but deep down she is one to watch and some may also question if her character acts a way for attention she lacks from family/friends, throughout the series we see her commonly associated with Ben, Nick and Harry but no female friends, why is that one may ask? Was she perhaps former friends with Charlie’s cold sarcastic and sweet sister Tori (Jenny Walser) or Tara Jones (Corinna Brown) who ditched her for wild and confident lover Darcy Olsson (Kizzy Edgell). First option is more likeable as Tara and Darcy befriend Elle when she moves schools, was this however due to a teacher’s intervention?
Talking about teachers we have art teacher Mr. Ajayi (Fisayo Akinade) who acts as Charlie’s confidante at times and Coach Singh (Chetna Pandya) who leads the rugby team. We were also introduced briefly to other school teachers such as form tutor Mr. Lange (Alan Turkington). Headmaster Barnes (Stephen Fry) and music teacher Miss Greenwood (Isabel Adomakoh-Young) from Elle school Higgs, one can imagine that we’ll explore more of the roles of the secondary characters as season 2 progresses.
Every school needs a clique or a group as you say and making up Charlie’s is Elle, Tao (William Gao) and Issac (Tobie Donovan). Issac is that friend of the group who doesn’t need to say much to have a major impact, he seems like the voice of reason whereas Tao role is one which is a little more defensive and reactive. You can clearly see that he cares deeply for Charlie based on his reactions with Harry and Nick and his character is ultimately one which brings much warmth to the show, similar to that of Tori both are funny and bring in comic relief, one may question if he’s a leo for his dramatic nature. With Season 1 ending in Nick coming out to his on-screen mother Sarah Nelson (Olivia Colman) and his friendship group changing, we do think he will be the squad’s new fourth member after Elle left Truham.
To finish with Euros Lyn has done a wonderful job in directing Heartstopper and our appreciation goes out to casting director Daniel Edwards for outsourcing some great talent. Very much looking forward to what the cast and crew bring for season 2, hopefully we get to explore the backgrounds of the characters more and maybe have a few new introductions – if only one was young enough to star in the show themselves who knows maybe as a support teacher or sixth-former student haha.
