Act Of Approval – Critical Reflection

Act up, behave better
Reading Time: 4 Minutes

What Is Critical Reflection you may ask? Act as you may, critical reflection lies on the aspect of the importance of learning from past experiences and changing your awareness and hence actions of how you would respond. Critical thinking can be viewed as a cognitive activity, associated with using the mind. Although we all have brains some individuals will find critical thinking challenging as emotional and personal barriers of ego and pride can get in the way, as one of the mental processes included in the process of critical thinking is judgement and categorisation and that of course is very personal as you would have to reflect on feedback

This leads on to my point of living in a modern world. When we live in a societal world where the act of ego means everything, we often get lost in the moment with our thoughts and don’t often consider the viewpoints of those around us. We lose what the brief of a project is and often get mesmerised by what we want, totally ignoring what the initial project was.

In the case of this particular scenario one will choose to implement the internal experience gained from conducting a presentation on the well-being aspects of events during the period of Covid 19. It’s important to note when receiving feedback it is based on a recipient’s experience and doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right or wrong rather just an opinion. Findings even suggest telling people how to improve actually hinders learning, going back to the point above about ego.

Often in scenarios where much time has been invested into visual displays such as images, GIF’s effects and consumer interaction such as giveaways and interactive polls, less concentration is taken into the knowledge needed as the focus was on the attendees experience. A presentation may retain an attendees attention but how good is a presentation if the recipient leaves not acknowledging anything new.

In any industry when one has to conduct a presentation, carefully look into what was actually asked and always start by achieving the basics and then apply more if you have the time, the saying less is more is true. This quote certainly relays on to focus, why is it important to focus and tune in on one issue instead of multiple? Good question first of all if you only have a 10 minute time frame it’s best to pay homage to the key points and explain them in full detail rather than saying multiple points quickly that may affect your audience and notoriously have them asking even more questions.

Too much interaction can deter audiences, in a short presentation a live Q&A, Poll and give away is ample enough and some may argue that even those techniques are too much. If your target audience are event managers, make sure the knowledge is appropriate for those wishing to go into the trade. One way of which this can be implemented into future talks is by encouraging attendees to consider how the knowledge perceived in the presentation can be applied to the outside world, whether that be events or finance.

One important element to learn in life is to stay true to your sole core and ethics, no matter how much you may change you will never be able to appeal to every attendees taste for example a free give away may be seen by some as a kind gesture where as others may not understand the purpose of an incentive if it does not have a goal involved for example a subscription or ticket purchase from an attendee.

Look into famous events where gifts have been placed under chairs for just attendance, the act of giving really does boost morale and that will be an approach one will continue to implement in the future. Even if feedback is received coldly, remember the whole world isn’t always against you, and on most occasions when feedback is given it is given to best prepare you for future success, think carefully of best next practice and remember to always focus on the positives.


Young entrepreneur and freelance model. Founder of the AW20 Hope & Glory Fashion show, with interests in mythology, spiritualism and astrology among many others. One can be contacted via Instagram @Connormantle

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